Soziale Ungleichheit bei Umwelt und Gesundheit von Kindern in Europa

Im Rahmen des von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) geförderten Projekts "Environmental inequalities among children and adolescents. A review of the policy and its policy implications in Europe" wurde der Wissensstand zu sozialer Ungleichheit bei Umwelt und Gesundheit von Kindern in Europa zusammengestellt und bewertet.

Die Ergebnisse wurden u. a. auf der "Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health" im März 2010 in Parma präsentiert.


  • Bolte G, Tamburlini G, Kohlhuber M. Environmental inequalities among children in Europe – evaluation of scientific evidence and policy implications. Eur J Public Health 2010; 20: 14–20.
  • Bolte G, Kohlhuber M, Carpenter DO, Tamburlini G. Environmental inequalities among children and adolescents. A review of the evidence and its policy implications in Europe. In: WHO Regional Office for Europe (ed.). Environment and health risks: a review of the influence and effects of social inequalities. Copenhagen 2010, pp 159–198. (PDF, 1,48 MB)
  • Bolte G, Kohlhuber M, Carpenter DO, Tamburlini G. Environmental inequalities among children and adolescents. A review of the evidence and its policy implications in Europe. In: WHO Regional Office for Europe (ed.). Socio-environmentally determined health inequities among children and adolescents. Summary of outcomes, background papers and country case studies. Copenhagen 2010, pp 24–53.

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